•	 The Recommended Listening Program

The Meditation Program comes on a set of 6 CDs or as audio downloads. Each audio track represents one of 8 different Levels, and ideally you should listen to each Level in turn as explained below.

Also, please note that Levels 1 & 2 are connected, as are Levels 3 & 4. To achieve everything you want to achieve, follow the guidelines and listen to the tracks in the order they're presented. Once you become familiar with the program and your brain has fully adjusted to this type of stimulation, you'll be able to dip in and out of the tracks as you wish.

To get the most from the program, follow these steps:
Listen to one section from the program ONCE A DAY (30 to 60 minutes required daily)
Use STEREO HEADPHONES to get the most from the material and enhance the experience. Ensure you use high quality headphones, without noise-cancelling, bass-boosting, or other features. Although you can listen without headphones, we recommend using them for maximum effect
Listening to the program IN THE DAYTIME is recommended. If doing so, cover or close your eyes for maximum enjoyment and effectiveness
Empty your mind, relax, and simply PLAY the material. If thoughts from the day arise, simply let them appear and fade. Don't fight any experience that may occur. Just enjoy whatever happens! Simply exist in silence and let the recordings meditate for you
Listen to each Level or audio track for 5 TO 8 TIMES before moving on to the next Level

The first four Levels are designed to ease you into the program. To help accomplish this goal, the tracks are only 30 minutes long.

Once you move on to Level 5, the tracks are 60 minutes long and will require more listening time for maximum benefit.

Remember that you don't have to adopt any special sitting position to listen to this program. For maximum effectiveness, we recommend sitting down with your back in an upright position, and your eyes closed. We also suggest keeping awake during the entire session. If you find sitting up uncomfortable, you can lay down on a bed instead - however beware of the natural tendency to fall asleep!

To get the optimum results from the Recommended Listening Program, try to follow this schedule:

Week One
Listen to Level 1 (the 1st audio track/track 1 on CD1) every day for a whole week, or as often as convenient.
Total daily listening time: 30 minutes.

Week Two
Listen to Levels 1 & 2 (audio tracks 1 & 2/tracks 1 & 2 on CD1) consecutively for a whole week.
Total daily listening time: 60 minutes.

Week Three
Listen to Level 3 (the 3rd audio track/track 1 on CD2) every day for a whole week.
Total daily listening time: 30 minutes.

Week Four
Listen to Levels 3 & 4 (audio tracks 3 & 4/tracks 1 & 2 on CD2) consecutively for a whole week.
Total daily listening time: 60 minutes.

Weeks Five, Six, Seven, Eight
Listen to each remaining Level in series for a period of one whole week before moving onto the next.
Total daily listening time for Levels 5 through 8: 60 minutes.

Please note: Each Level from 5 to 8 comes as a 60-minute audio track or on a separate CD. So Level 5 is on CD3, Level 6 on CD4, Level 7 on CD5 and Level 8 on CD6.

Like anything new, it takes practice and a bit of patience. The secret is not to rush but to move through the program slowly and calmly, giving yourself and your brain time to adjust to each new Level and the changes that occur in your mind and body.

You may find that you don’t have time to sit and listen to one session of the program every single day. If that is the case, try working through the program month by month.

You can try moving through Levels 1 and 2 in the first month, then Levels 3 and 4 in the second month, followed by a whole month for each of the subsequent Levels. This program allows you steadier progress and ensures you don't miss out of any of the great benefits.

The monthly listening program is also useful if you feel everything is moving forward a little too fast, or you find yourself feeling mentally foggy or emotionally drained after each session.

Then get ready for the AMAZING RESULTS we described earlier, as well as those listed online at www.meditationprogram.com.

So that's the recommend listening program...

But how does this amazing technology work to produce these astonishing results?