•	How the Meditation Program Works

The Meditation Program uses the world's most advanced audio technology to let you tap into the deepest levels of meditation.

It works by helping your brain "follow" certain frequencies and get into the state of mind you’re trying to achieve. And we already know that certain brainwave frequencies make it easier for us to accomplish certain things.

For example, right now as you're reading this, you're in Beta. When you’re asleep, you're in Delta. And when you’re in "the Zone" you're in Alpha.

Sometimes you can get into these states on your own. But to access the deepest levels can take years, and might only happen occasionally or even accidentally.

And that's the beauty of the
Meditation Program. It offers a way for you to experience the deepest meditation almost immediately -- and with practically no effort whatsoever!


By using "binaural beats", a technique discovered in 1839 by German scientist H.W. Dove.

He found that if you play slightly different frequencies into the left and right ear, the difference between the two frequencies is generated inside the mind. Your brain "follows" this frequency and puts you into the state of mind associated with that frequency.

So just by listening to deep Alpha, deep Theta and upper Delta frequencies, you'll be able to replicate states of incredibly deep meditation!

Which means you'll experience total relaxation, insights, increased memory functions, and many more self-development breakthroughs.

You can learn more about the science behind binaural beats by clicking here.

It's the cutting edge in meditation technology, and it gives you the power to achieve instant meditation -- and all the benefits that go with it -- in the comfort of your own home!

Our recordings are so powerful, they even incorporate monaural beats technology. That means you can listen without using headphones, yet still enjoy the same benefits!

It’s the 21st century solution to tapping into zones that would otherwise take years of meditation and enlightenment to achieve!

But wait. If it's THAT powerful, how do you know it’s safe to use?

Find the answer to that and many more questions in the following Frequently Asked Questions section.